The Ramanujan



Height: 24.5"

Diameter: 13"

Wood: Djalla

Weight: Kg

Skin: Medium Goat Skin

Finish: Skin Twist

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The Ramanujan

The red Djalla wood and elegant profile and carving of this djembe provide a distinct and pleasing Islamic aesthetic. Named for the influential Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan who helped develop prime number theory, examples of prime number arithmetic can be found in the carving of this djembe - the carving has rotational symmetry of order 7, the large tringles are all 3:7 in aspect and every one contains a semi-prime number of smaller triangles.

The tall bowl shape and Djalla wood combine to make a drum with exceptionally sweet tones and very dry slaps. It's responsive at all playing volumes and if you really let rip, its tones shine through the mix with real clarity. This is one of the most pleasant djembes I've had the pleasure to both play and work on.